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Like mother like daughterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1867 words)

Author: Johnboy
Added: Nov 21 2004Views / Reads: 4736 / 3582 [76%]Story vote: 8.50 (12 votes)
What started out as an innocent night out turned into a fuck fest

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As a naive 19 year old my sexual experience was limited. I had slept with a few girls but nothing that I could say lead to great sex.. This was not for the want of trying though. We had a group of 6 guys that would trawl the pubs from the age of 16, in search of getting pissed and if lucky a shag. More often than not we all went home alone.

That was until I left home at 18 and moved to a city! Oh what an escape and opening to things I had never expected, and the thought of regular sex seemed to become a more common occurrence and less of a slog. Nirvana was finally becoming possible and my new girlfriend was to produce the impetus for it.

Although she was younger than me, in her final year of high school, she had a body to die for. I met her out one night in a club, she was dancing with some of her friends, with nothing more than a pair of hot pants and a tight cropped top. What made her stand out even more was the energy that she put into her dancing, something I was to learn she also put into her sex, she was electric. She had such a nubile body that just seemed to move effortlessly with the music, and later on my cock. Never been a shy one I made my intros, strutted my stuff, and before long she had her tongue down my throat. As I said Nirvana was in the air and I was hoping to grasp her with open arms.

After clubbing that night Jan invited me back to her place. She was an only child and still lived at home with her mum whom never married, and ...

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