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The Cruise Shipthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:group, 7195 words)

Author: Lorrie Picture in profile
Added: Nov 23 2004Views / Reads: 5418 / 4360 [80%]Story vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
Sorry that it has been a while. New job, moving, you know life happens. Anyway here is my latest story. I have been thinking about this one for a while. It takes a bit to get to the sex. Hope that you enjoy.

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The Cruise Ship


My entire family was after me about settling down again, after a bad break-up. I thought that she loved me. Well surprise, surprise. She cheated on me. That was about 6 months ago. I still see her from time to time with her new girlfriend at the clubs. One night I was going to dinner with my sister and her husband. My sister, of course, started talking to me about finding someone. I told her that there was no one that I knew that I wanted to settle down with. She said about going to other places other than where I always go. Oh man, I thought, leave me alone. I was finally able to get her to change the subject. When we got to the restaurant, I realized that it was actually a surprise birthday party for me. Great, I thought, this is the last thing I need. Everyone was there, my entire family and my closest friends. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but when they get together for anything they get drunk and the parties usually end in a fight between someone. We sat down and ate dinner and the cake. Then my mom, who was already giddy from the wine, pulled out the gifts and, of course, the camera. I got the nitro car that I wanted and some things that would go with it. Nitro cars...a very expensive hobby I might add, but I enjoy it. Then my best friend handed me an envelope. "Jamie, this is from all of us. We all put money into for this gift for you." Oh my goodness, what in the hell could this be. They were all standing around me watching. Some ...

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