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Little Man, Big Cock: Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2795 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Stormbringer
Added: Nov 24 2004Views / Reads: 3803 / 3311 [87%]Part vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
Nibbles nails his teen tormentor.

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Little Man, Big Cock: Part 2 An E&I Enterprises Story Copyright 2004 by Stormbringer

"Two more stinking days of this," growled Lester as he strolled into the changing room. He was pleased to see Shane turn bright red when she saw him.

"Yeah, I'm ho ho holiday'd out," said Santa Joe.

Lester changed when Joe and Shane left to greet the already growing line of children worried that it was too late to get the presents they wanted. You could see the desperation in their faces.

Overall, the shift was uneventful. Shane blushed every time their eyes met and for the most part, she avoided him. During break, Lester overheard her talking to some teen friends about going out that night right after their shift.

Shane told Lester he could go change first. She was trying to stay away from him. She went to talk to one of her friends waiting to get off. She talked to her friend until she assumed Lester would of dressed and left. Finally, when she couldn't wait any more, Shane went to go change.

Shane hadn't seen Lester leave, but relaxed when she saw the room was ...

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