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Summertimethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1314 words)

Author: Robert
Added: Nov 25 2004Views / Reads: 3574 / 2881 [81%]Story vote: 7.89 (9 votes)
A young woman's accidental public exposure leads to a sexual awakening.

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When I was in my teens tube tops were very popular. I always wondered why because I thought they looked like a very risky bit of clothing. I even remember once when one girl pulled another girls' tube top down at a party, but unfortunately her back was to everyone else in the room so the only person whose saw her breasts was the girl who pulled the top down.

I used to work with a woman who explained to me why women, or at least why she, loved to wear tube tops. When I heard what she told me I was shocked because she was a fairly religious person who went to church every Sunday as well as doing volunteer work for the church. She was very pretty, about 5'7" with nice firm breasts that looked like they were about a 36B. She always wore either t-shirts or very soft looking turtlenecks. When she wore the turtlenecks she didn't wear a bra.

One day we got onto the subject of tube tops. She had said that she wished she could wear tube tops to work and then giggled. I asked what was so funny and she told me that the best part of wearing tube tops was the possibility that they might fall down exposing your breasts. She told me this never happened to her but she always wanted it to happen . Since it never happened by accident she decided that she would have to help it fall down.


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