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An Affair Of Different Kindthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 4951 words)

Author: nikkie
Added: Nov 26 2004Views / Reads: 2021 / 1473 [73%]Story vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Cyber flirt becomes telephonic love affair.

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It was pouring down hard now. Big raindrops were hitting the roof of the car in arrhythmic sequence, sometimes drumming against it softly, only to change and a moment later knock forcefully as if threatening to turn into hail. It seemed more like a low budget movie with defective special effects than anything of natural occurrence. Despite all the rain or maybe because of it, the city stank like a barrel of fish guts, garbage and feces mixed with another smell, velvety yet unpleasantly invasive. The humidity did its work well.

She smiled.

She didn't mind rain at all. In fact, rain was her favorite. Sunny days always made her moody and often downright depressed. Rain was fine as far as she was concerned. No need for an umbrella or mad dash from one doorway to another in hope of not getting wet, looking silly while zigzagging in an attempt to achieve the impossible.

She found walking in the rain romantic, and that says a lot for someone who determinedly claims she doesn't have a romantic bone in her body. Walking in the rain by the lake during the storm amounted to exhilarating moments, with lightning forking the broad horizon and waves wildly foaming in fury.

On the other hand, the stench she simply tried to ignore by keeping the car windows firmly closed. It was no easy task given that the air ...

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