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Blindfoldedthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5041 words)

Author: AboutMyWife
Added: Dec 09 2004Views / Reads: 5052 / 4331 [86%]Story vote: 9.11 (18 votes)
Wife is unknowingly involved in group sex.

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"Are you ok with the plans?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got it. I'll see you then." She replied.

It was coming up to 7:00 and my anticipation was growing, as I knew what was about to take place. I could feel my dick twitch a bit now and then when I thought about it.

Heather was giving our daughter a bath and then getting her ready for bed. It was now 7:30 and she was in our daughter's room putting her to bed. I had about 15 minutes before the plan went into effect. I waited patiently but had everything ready to go.

7:45 came and Heather stepped out of the room. When she did she saw a piece of paper on the floor. She picked it up and read it:

‘Don't say anything. Go into the bathroom and take a shower. Make it a good one.'

She walked through the hall and into our bedroom to our bathroom. When she opened the door she saw that the shower was already on and a towel was ready for her when she ready to get out. On the sink was a glass of wine with a note that told her to drink this quickly before she got into the shower. She unclothed herself and stepped into the shower. While she was in the shower I had continued with the rest of the plan. ...

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