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Sommer and Guy on their road tripthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5332 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Holland
Added: Dec 17 2004Views / Reads: 1088 / 877 [81%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Sommer and Guy meet a like minded couple and Sommer introduces them to the joys of multiple partners.

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"Sommer," Guy whispered softly. "Let's get up now, take a shower. I think you're really going to like this." His hand was cupping Sommer's breast, which was lying outside the quilt, her nipple growing hard now in anticipation of more attention. But it was not to be, at least not now. Guy left the bed, and Sommer heard the shower running.

She followed him into the bathroom, heard him brushing his teeth in the shower. Guy used the shower for his entire wake-up routine, washing, brushing teeth, shaving, and Sommer didn't want to think about what else he might do in there.

Sommer had asked him once how he could shave with no mirror, said she could find one for a shower that wouldn't steam up. "Sommer, I don't need a mirror, I know where everything is."

She pulled the heavy canvas curtain aside, stepped in. He kissed her, getting her mouth full of the minty toothpaste. The shower was just large enough for both of them to stand toe to toe, with the tips of Sommer's nipples brushing his chest. They kissed again, more than several times, then gently went on to washing each other, more playful than erotic.

"Okay, buster, let me have a little more room. I want to do a thorough job of this, and you'll just try to play while I'm doing it." Guy got out, and as he dried off he watched Sommer shaving. First her ...

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