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My First Affairthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3946 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Meronie Picture in profile
Added: Dec 31 2004Views / Reads: 12078 / 10411 [86%]Part vote: 9.31 (26 votes)
The more I got to know Heidi's husband, the more I realized how alike we were...little did I know where that would lead!

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My First Affair by Meronie

As usual, this is an original story by Meronie. All events are fictional and any resemblance to real events is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be copied or distributed without permission. Enjoy!



Looking back, it started so simply - I met Heidi during smoke break at work. I had been in my new position for a few months, so I knew a few people, but she was standing off to the side, looking lonesome, so I started talking to her. She and her husband were new to town, and it sounded like we had a lot of similar interests. So, I invited her to our favorite jazz club that Friday night. From there, I met Sean, Heidi's husband, and they all got to meet my husband, Pete. We became fast friends, and we always joked about how similar Heidi and Pete were, and how alike Sean and I were. Little did we know what that similarity would lead to!

Chapter 1:

There we were, spending yet another Friday night at Mac's, a jazz club ...

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