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A night with Troythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2555 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Kyrie
Added: Jan 01 2005Views / Reads: 11081 / 10062 [91%]Part vote: 8.89 (19 votes)
Lisa gets more than she bargains for when she goes to a party with Troy, the cute guy she works with at the bookstore.

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It was on Tuesday that Troy had asked Lisa if she would go to his friends birthday party with him. Lisa jumped at the opportunity to spend some more time with Troy. Troy and Lisa worked together at the local bookshop and Lisa enjoyed the times she was rostered to work with him most. Troy was well built, had gorgeous blue eyes and a smile to die for. They often teased each other during quiet times at the store. This night was no exception.

"I thought you might want to have a look at this" Troy said as he passed Lisa a pink coloured book. She smiled, then laughed as she looked at it. The title of the book was "Her Pleasure, a masturbation guide for the single woman". Lisa laughed again, then blushed as Troy, standing close behind her, whispered ‘unless you want me to help you some time'. She was saved needing to reply to his advance, as just at that moment a customer walked through the door. The bookshop stayed busy for the rest of the afternoon, and other than exchanging knowing smiles, the pair were well behaved. As they were leaving, Troy told Lisa that he would pick her up for the party on Saturday at 7pm.

Saturday night arrived quickly for Lisa. She had been shopping earlier that day and bought a lovely red dress to wear to the party that night. It was made of soft flowing material, hung just past her knees, and was low cut and clung to her body tightly- necessitating the need for good underwear. It was 6.30pm already by the time Lisa got into the shower. The thought of spending the entire evening with Troy was exciting her - ...

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