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The Roomate - Chapter Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 8797 words) [2/7] show all parts

Author: Robbyfoot
Added: Jan 05 2005Views / Reads: 3092 / 2767 [89%]Part vote: 9.33 (15 votes)
This is a multi-part story about two roomates - one well hung and the other an avid voyeur.

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This is part two of a story about two roommates - one well hung and the other an avid voyeur. Please read part one or part two won't make a lot of sense. This chapter has a lot more dialogue, but still has plenty of sex.

I cracked one eye open and looked over at the clock on my nightstand - 8:00 already. I climbed from the bed and pulled on a clean pair of sweatpants, and I knew immediately that this entire day would be filled with non-stop replays of everything I had witnessed about four hours ago.

I paused to hang a towel over the grate on my side of the wall, and headed downstairs to the computer to get busy with the homework I needed to complete before Monday morning. In spite of the fact that I couldn't get Ellen out of my mind, three hours and two pots of coffee later I had the report complete and the printer humming away. I needed to mow the lawn, but I had an hour until my son returned from my parent's house and I decided a nap was in order. Just as I reached the top of the stairs, Jerry's door opened and Ellen stepped out into the hall.

"Shhh" she whispered as she held a finger to her mouth, "He's still sleeping"

Her hair was a little disheveled, and her makeup was smeared, but other ...

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