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Birthday Massagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3694 words)

Author: ---E--- Picture in profile
Added: Jan 08 2005Views / Reads: 8487 / 6839 [81%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
A present, an adult ad, an erotic massage...leads to one of our most exciting nights, for now.

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My girlfriends' birthday was approaching quickly and with only a few ideas of what to get her, I was running into crunch time. I had always wanted to get a private stripper to dance for her, male or female - as long as I was there to watch, I thought it would be a huge turn on for both of us. Now that we were living together that thought again crossed my mind, it seemed as if the opportunity would be right and it would be in the comfort of our own home. Then one night out of the blue she mentioned a couples' massage. We had been to a place for a couple's therapeutic massage a few years back and she sent me once by myself for a gift. Now don't get me wrong these were great, way beyond relaxing and sharing them added a sort of twist. But I was really interested in more, I was thinking erotic massage. I picked up a small local paper in which I now and then browse the personals, for sheer entertainment as well as excitement; I had remembered seeing such personals in there from time to time. "SWM, young and fit looking to massage WF/M/C's, may go further if interested.......", and that sort of thing. So I browsed, through couples, threesomes and some other category, but nothing, nothing even close. Just when I gave up, I flipped by an advertisement section, it read "massages/escorts", most of these were descriptions of either female or male escorts though, and then there it was, it read: FULL BODY EROTIC MASSAGE - Private, Secure....7 days/wk.....Ask about our couples massage....***-52*-3388....so I called.

I must admit I was a little nervous when we arrived, first on what my girlfriend would think and also on how everything would go. We were ...

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