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Sandra's Room With a Viewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 7357 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Inkydo
Added: Jan 12 2005Views / Reads: 5190 / 4063 [78%]Part vote: 9.19 (16 votes)
Sometimes Being Neighborly Means Never Having to Say You're Horny

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My first summer of grad school was an "eye-opening" experience. After four years of fairly carefree undergrad study, my first semester as a graduate student took away one of my most precious possessions: time. Grad school in the 80's was a more egalitarian existence and most of the students were in the same boat as I was. We were all poor and over-worked. I worked as a research assistant by day (and some times evenings) as well as waited tables at a rather nice restaurant every night except Sundays. Only the professors made enough money to eat there, so you can guess how puny the tips were, but the volume was such that I made a decent evening's wages. Being poor had its many disadvantages, a big one being the inability to afford decent housing. I lived in an apartment not far from campus without air conditioning or decent heat, so naturally in the spring and summer, we slept with our windows and doors open, trying to catch a stray breeze. The apartment building next door was only a narrow driveway distant, so privacy was something kind of hard to come by, but I was used to that really. Bedrooms were barely seven feet from window to window; so all sex was de facto group sex when you thought about it. I installed a window fan in the window directly across from my neighbor's window a short distance away, which gave me "from the shoulders down" window privacy, plus white noise to kill any telltale noises of a sexual nature, in case I got lucky. Yeah, right, I was definitely more of an optimist than realist.

I'd already had a series of embarrassing incidents at my previous abode. ...

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