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Weekend Getawaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2172 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Eagle
Added: Jan 15 2005Views / Reads: 1947 / 1658 [85%]Part vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
Went to the moutains to getaway and do some fishing but what I caught you would't throw back.

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Weekend Getaway

Having a week that rivaled five Mondays I decided after four of them to get away over the weekend and go north to do some fishing. Let me explain the week, as I know everyone has had one. It actually started on Saturday with the honey do list and even though the wife has no idea of how to fix anything she proceeded to tell me how do it all. Thinking things would get better at work away from the promising boss, I soon found the start of a shitty week of screw up's that yours truly had to fix. I know most think of the work place as pure hell but I feel it as a safe haven from the wife from hell. So when Friday approached I made it known Thursday night that I would be heading up to camp to do some fishing. Fishing always relaxes me, hearing the water cascade over the rocks, the fresh air and no sounds of civilization at all.

On Friday at noon I decided to get an early jump on the weekend and told the boss that I'd see him on Monday, Lord willing. Because I packed the truck the night before I left straight from work on my three hour drive north. About 1 hour into the trip I stopped at the beer distributors and bought a case and hoped that no one else visited camp before me and consumed the bottle of VO in the closet. Once back in the truck I cranked up the stereo and popped a beer and began to relax for the remainder of the trip.

By the way my name is Dan and I am in my mid 40's, 6'2 about 215. Once I ...

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