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A Job Like Any Otherthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3918 words)

Author: nikkie
Added: Jan 15 2005Views / Reads: 7557 / 6366 [84%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
A call girl gets a bit more than she expected.

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Green suede boots is what I'll keep my mind on, thought Zoe and marched inside the Drake Hotel with a determined step. The ones in the Bloomingdale's. Tall, reaching over the knee with a half-circled hole above the heel. Sexy and sassy.

She carefully avoided the looks of the receptionists, who were too busy to pay her any attention anyway. There seemed to be a slight traffic jam in front of the elevators and she wished she could have taken the stairs. If only she knew where the staircase was without having to look for it and so drawing attention to herself. The security guard standing in the corner next to the huge leaved plant scanned her with his eyes and then looked away. Zoe sighed in relief.

Of course employees of the hotel weren't oblivious to escort service girls conducting business in their midst, but it was always advisable not to draw attention. This was her first time at the Drake and her face was as of yet unknown to the staff.

Crowd in front of the elevators dispersed somewhat and she was grateful to be able to join a few people and take the next ride up. She was late and didn't like that. She always considered punctuality a virtue and it was no different even in this particular line of work.

If only she could calm down and stop being so very nervous. Granted, it had only been two months since she joined the Golden Coast Escort ...

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