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Fabtasy Vacation Part 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 3573 words) [5/13] show all parts

Author: Silver Fox
Added: Aug 13 2000Views / Reads: 3825 / 3332 [87%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Terri get her first taste of her young neighbors cock and she can't wait to try it again.

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter V By: Silver Fox

Mike immediately departed the houseboat and headed up the dock to the van. He knew Terri would look there first to see if he had returned so he backed up the narrow drive and parked out of sight. When he figured she had enough time to get home, he drove back down the road parked and walked to the boat. When he stepped inside the cabin, Terri was standing there clad in her bathrobe with a fresh towel underneath her arm. Mike suspected she was going to the shower to clean the traces of Don's cum from her body before he could detect it and he was right.

"Hi darling," greeted him as soon as he walked inside. "I think I'll take a quick shower before we leave for our outing if you don't mind. I worked up a sweat while you were gone and I'd like to clean up?"

"That's fine, baby." he replied. "I'll change the ropes and get things ready while you're gone and we can leave when as soon as you get back."

"That sounds great. Be back shortly." Terri replied leaving for the shower.

Mike went topside to install the new ski rope and just finished the last line when their new neighbor leisurely walked over, stuck out his hand to introduce himself. ...

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