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Summer Lovingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2138 words)

Author: kealafire
Added: Jan 31 2005Views / Reads: 2246 / 1891 [84%]Story vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
This is a story of my first experience of sex with the guy I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. He made me the person I am today

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Summer Loving

They say that you can never forget your first true love. Well, for me this was true. It happened during the summer of 1995. I had never kissed a boy much less had sex. This was the start of something special, and is a chapter in my life that I will remember until I die.

I had first met Stuart the year before when we were delivering the local newspaper. Many afternoons a group of us would sit and wait for the papers to arrive and soon I found myself rushing home from school so that I could catch a glimpse of a couple of the older guys who also delivered the papers. Stuart was the one boy who had really caught my eye. He was average height for a lad of 17, and had short dark hair that was parted down the middle which made it look like curtains (This was the "in look" for guys where I grew up). He also had the most incredible dimples in his cheeks that I had ever seen. Unfortunately, he was involved with a girl his age and that depressed me greatly but did not affect the crush that I had on him.

It was about a year later that my world changed forever. I found myself near his house (although I did not know it at the time) and I happened to bump into his younger sister on the walk outside of their home. I took a chance and asked her asked how Stuart was doing as I explained to her that I use to deliver papers with him. She said he had just got in and asked if I would like to see him. I was not sure if I really ...

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