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Learningthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 3505 words)

Author: Luv'nLife
Added: Feb 04 2005Views / Reads: 2029 / 1404 [69%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
As Cindy and I begin to develop a relationship, I teach her what I enjoy the most.

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Cindy and I met after both of us had experienced really ugly marriage/divorces and neither was interested in any quick relationship developing. It was "safe" for both of us from that perspective, in that neither had any expectations of the other long term yet we enjoyed one another's company and learned that we could visit freely about many things. So, it wasn't unusual that our conversation soon (and repeatedly) turned to the sexual. We related to one another various things about our pasts; what we had experienced and learned, what we enjoyed, what we didn't enjoy, and even those things we had never done.

I was surprised to learn Cindy had never actually sucked a cock in her life. I mean we were both over 40, had each been married twice and had various other experiences along the way. How could she have done all that and never learned to give head when she claimed to have been willing to do anything her husbands suggested or wanted. Neither had she ever had a man's mouth exploring her secret places. I, on the other hand, had experienced every form of blow job over my years of growing up and adulthood. I couldn't even begin to count how many 1st dates drifted that direction. Many girls, then women, had ended up with my dick in their mouths and most of those ended up with a load of cum following it. I kind of liked when Bill Clinton came along and exonerated all of us guys who had always believed that this wasn't really sex and we could still say that we didn't "sleep around". However, I would have to take exception with Barbara Bush's rebuttal to ...

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