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Babysitterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2929 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Storyteller_69
Added: Aug 14 2000Views / Reads: 16723 / 14494 [87%]Part vote: 8.29 (14 votes)
Having a babysitter in the house can't be that bad of a thing (m/f/ff/mf)

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"Darrell!", screamed his mom from downstairs. Darrell rubbed the morning crust out of his eyes and looked up at the clock in his room. 8:45am. Way too early for his usual 12am wake-up time. Darrell was a semi-normal kid in his junior year. He just got his license and started his first real job. He was a big kid, at about 6'5" and 270lbs, which was about 90% muscle, except his gut. He had mostly reddish hair and a real fair skin (which came with the red headed territory).

He sat up in his bed as his mom walked into the room, with out knocking as usual.

"OK, so you're off work today, right?", she asked.

"Yea, and tomorrow. Why?", he questioned.

"Well, your father and I are going out of town. He has a business meeting and I'm going to go with him since I don't have the girls.", she replied. The girls she referred to where Darrell's nieces, Janet and Barb. Janet was in her teens and Barb as just shy of 2 years old.

"Cool, the house to myself for the whole weekend.", he thought. Too soon though, as that moment the phone rang. His mom walked into the other room to answer it. Darrell rolled out of bed and got dressed real quick, just throwing on some jeans and an old tee shirt. Just when he was about to start watching some TV, his mom came back into his room. ...

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