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A quick story to spice up her day....this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1244 words)

Author: Spoon1
Added: Feb 08 2005Views / Reads: 2455 / 6 [0%]Story vote: 7.67 (6 votes)
I sent this to catch my wife off guard....it worked. Short and concise.

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The white walls were irritating- flourescent bulbs humming overhead made everything stark and harsh and no matter how she had tried to decorate- a plant here- her purple batik hanging on another wall- nothing could warm that space as she would have liked. To top it all off she felt as if she lived there. Piles of work loomed in her mind. Post it notes dangled like tiny bats at rest clinging from her moniter and filing cabinet. It was hard to concentrate on work when it was only her in the office. Stuck on the third floor feeling somewhat forgotten, it was all too easy to slip on the the internet and read stories about things that kept her entertained. Still she managed to plug through and be fairly successful. It was trying though, only having contact on the off chance that someone would come upstairs and distract her. Rarely she would see her lover in that bright cave. Occasionally he would come by to drop something off or pick something up. She always liked it when he did. Usually he would say something funny and make her smile and help her remember that she was not alone- ever.

He had just called to tell her that he was going to drop by in a little while to use her fax machine and she was excited about the distraction. Maybe he would bring some lunch.... It wasn't long before she heard him come walking up the hallway. He peeked through the door to make sure he wasn't interrupting and smiled at her sitting all alone. Her face brightened as they kissed hello. As he sat down in the chair across from her he could tell she was tired and a little frustrated. At times like this he always felt a little helpless. He knew there was ...

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