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Class of 93 Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2292 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: OHpussycat
Added: Feb 10 2005Views / Reads: 1362 / 932 [68%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Joey and Danny had been best friends for years and fighting an attraction. Meeting up at the class reunion they no longer tried to fight it

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Danny and Joey met up at a high school reunion after years of fighting attraction. Neither of them caring about the consequences that their actions would carry. This is Part 2. I hope that you enjoy it as much as the first one. Feedback wanted and appreciated. This part has a lot of story working up into the other parts.

"Joey, I don't think I can drive with you doing that." Danny exclaimed. "Think of it this way." Joy answered taking his erect penis out of his pants. "Do you want to wreck and explain what was going on." she laughed out loud as she took the entire length in her mouth. "Jesus Joe" Danny yelled.... "Shhhh, Baby go with it. Just relax." Joey said not looking up

As they drove to the hotel Joey gave him the best blow job that he had ever received. Joey sucked, nibbled and licked the entire drive. Right before they turned into the parking lot of the hotel Danny climaxed with a scream. Joey swallowed every bit not wanting to make a mess, knowing they had a full day ahead of them. She sat up and straightened her clothes and wiped her mouth with a tissue acting like nothing had just happened.

"Joey......." Danny started. "Danny, it's okay. We have a long day ahead of us and I don't need to be thinking of what ifs. Drop me off over there by my car. That way you won't have any explaining to do. I'm glad for your sake that I parked out of the way." Joey said looking away. ...

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