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A Super Hero's Slut (6)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 3727 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Feb 12 2005Views / Reads: 1308 / 1064 [81%]Part vote: 6.33 (3 votes)
A film star at last.

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Mary Jane stood in the middle of the sound stage dressed in some ones idea of what a woman would wear on an African safari. Khaki shirt and shorts with way too many pockets and a pith helmet. Thick socks and hiking boots completed the outfit.

Several men, similarly attired, were lying on the floor with fake blood smeared on them. A mousy little man who had been introduced to her as the director made a motion and the AD (assistant director) shouted, "Places everyone." There was some stirring and then everyone was still.

"All right people, this is picture," the director said, "Roll camera."

A second later the soundman said, "Speed" and the director pointed at Mary Jane and said, "Action!"

Mary Jane took a deep breath and then looked around her and wailed, "Oh my God, they're dead, they're all dead. I have to get out of here."

She turned to the left and started to go only to be stopped by the sight of three African warriors looking menacingly at her. She reversed course only to find four more in her path. Several of the black warriors leaped at her, grabbed her and pushed her to the ground as she screamed. Hands clutched at her clothes, ready to rip them off of her and she twisted and turned and screamed as she tried to fight them off. ...

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