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The Bachelorette Party IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 12072 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: KK
Added: Feb 23 2005Views / Reads: 4069 / 3435 [84%]Part vote: 9.61 (23 votes)
This is the continuation of the Bachelorette Party. This story starts three years later but flashes back to fill in what happened over those three years.(Revised)

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The Bachelorette Party II by KK

The door that led from the small room into the sanctuary was opened a crack allowing us a view of the large room. We still had twenty-five minutes to wait so as I waited for things to get started I began to reflect on how I got from the depths of my despair while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning three years ago to the near state of euphoria I was in that Saturday afternoon. That night had been the lowest point of my life and it had taken the full three years for me to recover from the pain.

My fiancée Kate and her friends had gone to Las Vegas for her bachelorette party and things had gotten out of hand. The trip across the desert that early morning began after I had caught Kate in bed performing oral sex on a weasel by the name of Carl Long at the Monte Carlo Hotel in Las Vegas. I left the hotel that night driven by anger and a desire to get as far away from Kate as I could. I remembered that as I crested the first large hill on the way out of Vegas and the lights of the strip were no longer filling my rear window my anger began to transform into depression. I had so many questions but no answers. Why had Kate done it? Didn't she love me? Had she ever really loved me? Did she think it wouldn't matter if she fucked someone else as long as I never know about it?

Did Kate think about the possible consequences of her actions? The only ...

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