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Comanchethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2860 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: vertigo23
Added: Feb 24 2005Views / Reads: 259 / 169 [65%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Daemion and Lily continue their night. But... there's something different about Lily that Daemion doesn't understand.

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(Author note: Been a while, I know. Sorry if you were waiting for more of the story. I got a new job which has taken a lot of time. Plus, I'm not sure how to 'transition' the story from here to keep it going. But here's what I've written.)

They moved around each other. Lily peeled off her nylons while Daemion watched, entranced. They crawled under the blankets. Snuggled, of all things. Slept a few hours. She woke first and showered. He enjoyed the comfort of the bed so much he could didn't move for twenty minutes. Managed to pull himself free and enjoy some of the wine and cheese while she was bathing. He looked over at his gear and decided it hadn't been touched while he slept. He felt a strange emotion... not quite somber, but close to it. He had a great time with Lily but the whole experience of the last couple days was unreal. Getting so intimate, so quickly, with someone he didn't think he could trust... but wanted to.

Contemplated his situation sitting by the window, looking over the nearest racks of thirty story bones supporting the fluorescent organs of corporate America. Considered just being direct and asking about what she was doing with the datarims at the bar. Maybe tapping her cell. Or he could get a little more background on her and check records. And... other ways to invade her privacy, piss her off, and make her leave his life. He shook his head. Downed the wine. Grabbed the bottle and an apple. He barely tasted any of it, when he should have been enjoying eating real food and drinking expensive wine. ...

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