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An Old High School Flamethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3467 words)

Author: Sportsdvl
Added: Feb 24 2005Views / Reads: 4116 / 3547 [86%]Story vote: 9.69 (16 votes)
After many years, I meet up with a girl I always wanted to date in high school.

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An Old High School Flame

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My class reunion was coming up in a few months so I joined one of those "alumni" site to see if there was any news about it posted. After looking through the list of my old classmates who were on the site and having those old memories come flooding back I realized there were some people listed that I'd like to get a hold of to see what they are doing now days.

One of the main people I was curious about was Holly. She was a good friend of mine in high school but we had never gone out together. We had flirted a lot but she had dated one of my best friends so I never felt comfortable asking her out so we never had the chance to see what it would have been like if we had hooked up.

Holly's profile said she was married and living out of the state. I sent her an email.

A few days later I received an email back from Holly. Said she had been ...

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