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Learner Driver: Lesson Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7470 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Dark_Lord
Added: Mar 03 2005Views / Reads: 2044 / 1884 [92%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Joey Gets Another 'Lesson' in The Comfort of His Instructor's Home.

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Learner Driver; The 2nd Lesson:

All Rights Reserved, 2005.

Joey Slater was lying awake on his bed daydreaming about the driving lesson he had taken two days earlier. He didn't notice his mother Mary standing at his door, looking in at him. She thought her son had been in a strange mood since coming back from his lesson the other day. He'd been very happy, but also a little distant, like he had a lot on his mind. Mary had laughed this off as silly though. No eighteen year old boy that she had ever known had ever had much on his mind. She knew her son was no exception.

Looking in on her son, smiling at the happy look on his face, she cleared her throat. Joey flinched slightly and shook his head softly, as if waking from a nap. "Oh, hey Ma. What's up?" Joey asked, smiling. Again his good mood struck Mary as passing strange.

"Nothing much Joey. I just had a thought and wondered if I could speak to you for a moment." She said, walking into his room.

"Sure you can Ma. I'm not doin anything." Joey replied, propping himself up into a sitting position on his pillows.

"I noticed," Mary said with a smile on her face as she sat down on the ...

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