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Fancy a little Indian Take-out?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4281 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Lips4
Added: Mar 04 2005Views / Reads: 2268 / 1364 [60%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
An erotic and exotic interracial rendezvous between 2 adulterers gives new meaning to dining out!

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Fancy a little Indian take-out!

This is based on a true story and the names have been changed.

We were to meet again at the airport hotel. As my flight was touching down I could barely contain my excitement and enthusiasm. Rani and I are both married and we first met online and seemed to really hit it off. My marriage is very dull and predictable and I really needed to feel some passion. For Rani she had had an arranged marriage as many Indian woman do and I am certain she is not as appreciated as she should be. We have been together several times now and it just seems to get better and better. It had been about 7 weeks since we last were together and it was one of the most fulfilling meetings we'd ever had. I couldn't wait to see her again.

I had no sooner exited the jet way and I found I was racing for the exit. We were supposed to meet in the lobby of the hotel as we did last time. As I exited the arrivals area and immediately I saw her. She was leaning up against the far wall a little out of the view of everyone. I of course saw her plain as day.

Rani is a really beautiful woman about 5'5" probably about 125 pounds she has a lovely exotic look to her being from India. Though she is 40 years old she looks several years younger. She has these deep almost black eyes, that lovely dark caramel colored skin and such a wonderful ...

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