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What Beach Parties can turn intothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 7960 words)

Author: Pleasured
Added: Mar 04 2005Views / Reads: 5779 / 4889 [85%]Story vote: 9.25 (20 votes)
An innocent beach party eventually turns into something I had never thought it would.

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It all started at the beginning of last summer. The eight of us decided to go to the beach at a little cove about an hour's drive south of San Francisco. My wife, Ann, and I had noticed it one day while driving along the coast, and thought it would be a wonderful place to have a beach party.

There is a parking lot across the highway, and a trail leading down some cliffs into the cove perhaps a hundred feet below. It is completely sheltered, so wind didn't seem like it would be a problem.

We arrived early so we could have our pick of places, parked the cars, and hauled all the equipment we might need for a picnic down the trail. Although there were a few people on the beach, we pretty much had our pick of places, and chose a sunny spot back away from the water, laid out our blankets and opened the beer and wine.

For those of you who don't know, Northern California can be chilly along the water, so we had all worn sweat suits over our swim suits, just in case it was too cold. However, we were lucky that day, and the sun was nicely warm, and with no breeze, it was a perfect day for lounging in the sun.

We set up a volleyball net on a couple of poles we stuck in the sand and weighted down with some rocks we found, stripped off our sweat suits and started playing. Gina and her husband Tony, were on our team, with ...

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