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Campingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 3170 words)

Author: potent Picture in profile
Added: Mar 05 2005Views / Reads: 5439 / 4642 [85%]Story vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
A story of a woman who had to have some 'private time' while camping with her husband and another couple.

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Shelly was sure the others were asleep by now. It had been at least 20 minutes since she heard a sound from anyone except their soft breathing. Mike, beside her, was definitely out. He'd had quite a bit to drink, and after 3 years of marriage she knew the rhythm and sound of his breathing when he was asleep.

Shelly was enjoying the camping holiday with Brent and Debbie, but sleeping with another couple in the holiday trailer certainly put a cramp in one's ‘marital privacy'. Two or three days wouldn't have been too bad, but now after 6 nights without any sex, she was almost going out of her mind. Shelly loved sex and wanted - needed, it every day. To top things off, her passion was certainly not abated by seeing Brent every day. "Debbie was a lucky girl", Shelly considered. She couldn't help but imagine what Brent was like in bed. Earlier today, it was all Shelly could do to not stare at Brent in his Speedo. She did secret a few quick glances at his substantial package and was rewarded with a warmth in her pussy that had been nagging her since.

‘Yes', she thought, ‘I'd love to have a sampling of that right about now...mmhhmmm', a light shiver ran over her at the thought.

She was certainly not going to be able to sleep tonight unless she was liberated from the passion she was almost past controlling.

She considered waking Mike, then decided against it. Were she able to ...

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