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Muscle Mentorthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 12308 words)

Author: Jock161
Added: Mar 07 2005Views / Reads: 1529 / 1395 [91%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
Young aspiring bodybuilder approaches a huge bodybuilder for help; and has to pay the guy's "price."

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By Jock Email troy161@hotmail.com

Brady heard loud voices when he walked into the locker room, just as Ben Jamison was storming out. Obviously, Ben and Jake Wentworth were having words.

Jake Wentworth was one of the biggest guys in the gym; THE biggest with muscles so ripped. Most of the big guys were bulky, with poor definition. Not Jake. He looked like he was carved out of rock. He was standing at his locker in his jockstrap, looking not too happy about something. Brady hesitated, half afraid to even approach his own locker, which was two down from Jake's, on the lower level.

"What're you looking at?" Jake growled.

"N-nothing. I mean.....nothing, really. You're standing there, its hard not to see you," Brady said. He straddled the end of the bench and leaned over to open his locker. Jake didn't move back an inch. He stood there with his thick legs set apart, as if he was daring Brady to ask him to move. Brady was barely able to open his locker door without it brushing against Jake's thigh. He'd never seen Jake so surly before. He was usually a quiet, nice guy who went about his workouts and didn't want to be interrupted. He usually wasn't. Most of the other ...

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