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strife in my marriage led to a night of blissthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 3850 words)

Author: Jade
Added: Aug 17 2000Views / Reads: 2145 / 1818 [85%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
this is the story of my beginning with a wonderful new secret love. i had longed to be with a women for years. my marriage had become a world of violence and loveless. meeting laura gave me a night i will treasure within me forever. this is my first story

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Sometimes in a marriage love fails. At first on ones part, eventually on both parts. This was such an event in my life. It led to a new unexplored horizon.

My ex was in the military. 82nd airborne to be exact. This life changed him dramatically. You know the phrase “be all that you can be. In the army” when you hear this phrase, you think of being your best. I learned quickly that being all you can be is not necessarily being your best. Oh he was at his best in the army but not at home.

My ex fell into several bad habits. Including drinking excessively, wife beating (his favorite sport) and heavy [censored]. This of course left our marriage a very unhappy one. I grew very tired of being upset and scared to come home from work. I took a second job at night to avoid seeing him as much as possible.

At this job I met a new friend. Her name was Tammy. She was full of life and I liked her very much. She was single and this meant she had no hang-ups in her life. Damn I envied her!

To give you some background on myself; I have been watching women sexually from afar as long as I can remember. At this point in my life I had never explored this craving, just watched from afar. I could always tell though when someone was gay. I never missed that mark. I liked to be outdoors, hiking, camping or just walking. My ex no longer ...

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