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A MOTHER'S LOVE JUICEthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:fetish, 1379 words)

Author: little miss blair
Added: Mar 10 2005Views / Reads: 4699 / 4003 [85%]Story vote: 9.45 (11 votes)
A short, simple story, revealing an uncommon occurence...Lactating breast may be sexually stimulating, and stimulated.

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A Mother's Love Juice by little miss blair

My name is Rita. Recently, on a flight from Chicago to Seattle, I had an unusual but pleasant experience. I know...I know. You're thinking, who the hell ever has a pleasant experience on an airliner, especially a plane full of yuppies on their way to a town like Seattle. Well, let me explain.

We were approximately and hour and twenty minutes out of Seattle on a big Delta jumbo jet. It had been a long boring flight and I was anxious for it to be over.

It isn't important why I was going to Seattle. Suffice to say, being an attractive thirties something female who was engaged to be married, I needed to take stock of my life. Why I chose Seattle to find myself is another story entirely.

I should also reveal I'm bi-sexual. I admit I have very little experience with the ladies, but I've been with a few woman in my life. I've been very selective.

My future husband doesn't know about the bi side of me and I have no ...

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