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The Neighborthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:other, 6209 words)

Author: Jock161
Added: Mar 15 2005Views / Reads: 1920 / 1670 [87%]Story vote: 9.14 (7 votes)
Younger guy approaches the awesomely hunky neighbor man he sees working in his garage only to be surprised when the hunk turns the tables on him.

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By Jock Email troy161@hotmail.com

My neighbor's garage faces the alley, with a utility door facing my yard. He spends a lot of time in his workshop and I spend a lot of time in my yard, hoping for glimpse of him coming or going. He usually wears a pair of old, faded, ragged cut-off jeans and work boots, sometimes a T-shirt, sometimes a flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off in cooler weather. His name is Don Harris. He's almost a god, married to a goddess. They belong together in the normal scheme of things, but in my scheme of things, I want him. He is the perfection that should belong to me and my world. He's only lived there a couple of months and we have a nodding relationship with an occasional "good morning" or "hey, there." Enough to make me tremor at the sound of his deep voice.

I stand inside my garage and watch from the window, praying to see him. I do a lot of work in my yard, hoping he might get friendly, or at least neighborly and come over and talk over the fence. Ideally, he would step over the fence and come into my garage, but I fear I'm only dreaming. I don't know why I torture myself....he is unattainable; so far, unapproachable.....but I still put myself through the awful frustration. It's the same kind of frustration I endured in high school when I lusted after some of the other jocks. Trying to keep up ...

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