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Fresh Off The Busthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 5591 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Stormbringer
Added: Aug 17 2000Views / Reads: 5064 / 4063 [80%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A young aspiring model gets off the bus in New York City and gets a job offer from a handsome black man. Part 1 of 4. The heavy action doesn't start until chapter 3, but please don't skip ahead, the build up is worth it.

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Fresh Off The Bus copyright 2000 by Stormbringer Storm_bringer1@webtv.net

Ann stepped off the bus and looked up at the sky in awe. The skyscrapers strived to reach heaven like the tower of Babel from the bible. New York City, the most famous skyline in the world, was even more amazing then she imagined.

Ann had just stopped at the bottom of the bus, staring at the city sights and she was rudely pushed out of the way by the other disembarking passengers. She moved out of the way still staring as she collected her bags.

New York was both beautiful and ugly. The buildings were amazing, but they were also a dull gray and the curb stank of exhaust fumes. It was also the noisiest place she had ever been, car horns were constantly honking and brakes were squealing. Ann heard the word "fuck," three times in five minutes, mostly from taxi drivers yelling at one another. This certainly wasn't Idaho.

"Excuse me Miss, but would you happen to be a model?" said a deep voice.

Ann had just gotten her bags and turned towards the voice. A well dressed, young black man was sitting on a bench reading the Wall Street ...

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