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A Marine Called Jason, Part IIthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:other, 18355 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Jock161
Added: Mar 15 2005Views / Reads: 669 / 557 [83%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
Hunky Navy Seal and a willing marine develop a solid relatioinship as he meets up with the Marine when he's in from the field to "release tensions."

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A Marine Called Jason (Part II)

Chapter Five

By Jock Email: troy161@hotmail.com

I went to Toby's several times, with no hope that Jason would be there, but just to be in a place where we had been together. Mostly, though, I hung around the barracks and took on extra duty so I could be around to monitor the phone. I was counting the days, and too many had passed. Then one night got a call from an orderly at the hospital.

"Corporal Jason Seaborn asked me to call you."

"He's there?" I asked, barely able to work up the air to get the words out.


"Tell him I'll be there as soon as I can," I said. My voice got weaker with each word as the air went out of me. I got dressed, grabbed a pass and headed for the hospital. I was half-numb, with no clear thoughts in my head. I think I was afraid to think of what might have happened. I rushed down the hallway but slowed as I approached his room; as he had down when he came to see me. ...

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