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A Maid on Camper Dutythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2511 words)

Author: Maid Mariëlle
Added: Mar 15 2005Views / Reads: 1426 / 1061 [74%]Story vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
My master takes me - his french maid - with him on a short camper trip. I will serve all his needs in his small mobile home... but after we left, it turns out it's not just about serving him...

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Hi there! Again, I have a true story for you... I am a young woman from Holland (so excuse me for my poor English), and I enjoy dressing up as a french maid and serving my master. You can read more about why I love to do this in my previous stories. If you read the first one, then you probably recall my master P? Well, let's just call him Peter, because that's his real name. I have served Peter for many years. Not constantly though, but every now and then. Sometimes a week, sometimes a month, sometimes just a few days. I love to be with him; he is such a fascinating master to me! But one time, he had a surprise for me that was - at first - hard for me to deal with... I'll tell you about it in this story.

A few years ago, Peter had an idea. I used to serve him as his personal maid in his house. But he wanted to take his fantasy outside the house, he said. So he rented a small camper, and asked me to go on a holiday with him, for a week. We would be touring Belgium, and I should definately not forget to pack my maid outfit... that's what he told me.

Ofcourse I said yes immediately. I always obey Peter! But I did ask what he had in mind. He told me we would make a tour. Outside the camper, we would just be tourists. But as soon as we were inside the camper... I would be on duty! At first I thought this would be a bit boring... I mean, what can you do in a camper? Still, I loved the thought. I imagined Peter and me visiting these beautiful Belgian places, like ...

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