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Asian 3 sumthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:threesomes, 2838 words)

Author: Salisha
Added: Mar 20 2005Views / Reads: 5640 / 5041 [89%]Story vote: 9.00 (8 votes)
Three asian frineds on their last night before heading off to college decide to have one more sleepover. though it starts off childish a game of dares lead them into a night to remember.

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Clarissa Chung watched her two best friends, Sianne Young and Felicia Chan trade stories of future plans and what colleges they were going off to that summer.

Tonight was the last night the girls would be in town together before they each caught different planes that would take them their own separate ways.

"I've always wanted to go to FSU. They have an amazing performing arts program." Sianne said delightedly.

Not to be out done, Felicia told them of being accepted to Harvard Law and how her father a graduate from Harvard was so proud of her. "He bought me my very own 2006 mustang that hasn't been released to any car dealerships yet."

Sianne rolled her eyes and turned to Clarissa. "What about you? You've been so quiet, are you feeling sick?"

"I'm fine. I got lost in my own thoughts for a minute. I can't believe tomorrow we'll be entering three different colleges as freshmen."

"I know. It's so unbelievable. I'm kind of worried about what I'm going to do once I get there. You know?" Sianne confided to Clarissa and Felicia. ...

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