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The dutythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1084 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: ezdoesit
Added: Mar 23 2005Views / Reads: 4309 / 2644 [61%]Part vote: 8.43 (7 votes)
I went on jury duty and what did I find?

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The Duty....

It was my second jury duty in the last 2 years. So like any other bored office worker, I went. Little did I know what was ahead for me. I am the average looking office worker, short hair, 5'6 about 150 and early thirties. As I got to county judicial center the first day, I looked for someone to talk to. I did not see any hot chick or anything, and no one that appeared near as bored as I thought I was. Then I saw this older short haired petite woman, that I thought maybe is 40ish. She was cute too. She had a book with her, and to save the life of me, I can't remember what it was. Well, I had read that book, and we were able to hit it off in conversation about that book and other ones written by the same author. The day went by, we got dismissed. We talked all day and became rather chatty.

We exchanged cell phone numbers and said we would get together and watch a movie. It seemed like we were just great friends and age did not matter. By this time I found out she was 56.

Day Two.

We talked more and had a lot of laughs. Then we made plans to get a movie the next week. She worked nights at the hospital, so we worked it around her schedule.


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