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The Third Timethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 2072 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Sexor
Added: Mar 30 2005Views / Reads: 1482 / 1027 [69%]Part vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
The two friends decided never again to make love. However, they are already too entwined to withdraw. Now, they will release all their pent up desires.

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This guy I told you about last time, his name´s Mike. Now as I said, that was only the first time. We have had a lot of sex since. After our second time, when I assaulted his hole, we had decided that enough was enough, and that we had shed our curiosities, and that we should never again fuck, though we swore to keep it secret. Nonetheless, we became best friends.

A few weeks later, a group of our friends, about 20 in all, decided to go on a sort of field trip. We wanted to go have fun, get drunk, and forget about everything. We stayed at a motel, two to a room. Mike and I chose to stay together, not because of any previous sexual plans, but because we were best friends. Yet I could not forget what we had done, and it was hard for me to suppress a hard- on. However, since I has first cross dressed and been fucked by Mike, I regularly dressed as a woman and used my dildo for hours on end, bringing on orgasm after orgasm, cumming a lot and then swallowing it to avoid discovery. So I had a tight female jogging suit, from my sister, which I put on under my clothes to hide my hard on.

Most of the guys would party through the night, but not Mike. He went to bed early, at about 10:00. I followed suit. Well, actually, we stayed up a while, chatting away. Finally, he announced that we were both to retire. We both love heat, so we turned the A/C down, put the lights out, and jumped into bed. It was really hot. I started to make pre- cum, since my jogging suit was so tight. I was getting really horny by ...

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