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Stormy Passionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 1191 words)

Author: potent Picture in profile
Added: Mar 31 2005Views / Reads: 1774 / 1208 [68%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
It was a hot and stormy July night in tornado alley.

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Tracy was in the kitchen doing the dishes when her husband Boe came creeping through the door. She didn't even realize he was there. Boe stood and watched her. She was wearing a white summer dress with no shoes on; her long brown hair was in curls from the humidity of the day and hung loosely down her back. Tracy's well-endowed chest was pressed hard against the fabric of the small dress and the cut was low enough to show her tattoo of a little green hummingbird on her left breast.

As Boe stood watching his beautiful wife he couldn't help but become a little hot. Her hips were swaying side to side from the movement of doing dishes and a little from the music she had playing in the background. The thought of Tracy's hips moving brought naughty thoughts to Boe's head and he felt himself starting to press against his jeans.


He moved in behind Tracy and took her hips with his hands, startled, she turned around to see who was holding her and came face to face with those deep blue eyes that had captivated her for the first time just a short two years ago. Boe smelled of stetson and earth and his muscles were tense from a hard days work. He pulled her in close to him and she could feel the strain in his pants and his already hard cock pressed against her abdomen. A large bang of thunder brought both back to reality and they went outside to further watch the storm. On the deck over looking the field Tracy and Boe had the best seat in the house to ...

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