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Next Door: Unknownthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:romantic, 3498 words)

Author: Sexor
Added: Apr 02 2005Views / Reads: 13449 / 11126 [83%]Story vote: 9.11 (9 votes)
Next door girl turns out to be hermaphrodite. Now, an understnding friend will give her the time of her life

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Alicia was always a very shy girl. A year younger than me, she had lived in the house next door since as long as I can remember. She never went out, never had a boyfriend, never went to the beach or bathed in the pool with the other girls. kept to herself and talked to few people. And there seemed to be little reason for it. A slender, 5'11black girl with beautiful, dark honey brown skin, long, dark brown hair that covered her big, round and juicy 38DD breasts, and the sweetest brown eyes, she was in just about every man and boy's sight spot. Her voice was melodical, but she seldom used it. She always exuded an exotic, exciting fragrance, sort of a floral scent mixed an arousing aroma.

Yet she was always distant, and quiet. She seemed oblivious to her natural charm. She even kept apart from the other girls. Naturally, there was a lot of talk, and after a while, most people would opt to give her the cold- shoulder treatment. However, I knew that she still was the object of most of my friends' erotic fantasies.

Appearances are deceiving, and this was true of her. Alicia did have a few friends. I was one of them. As long time neighbors, her parents and my parents were friends, and since early childhood we had talked a lot. A bond developed between us. We confided in each other and liked each other. I don't know how she felt about me, but I won't deny that I was also deeply aroused by her. Whether she was walking out of her house, with those beautiful breasts bobbing inside a tight fitting blouse or sweater, or she was doing some gardening, leaning over some plant and ...

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