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Beach Debauchthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2767 words)

Author: Otzchiim
Added: Apr 05 2005Views / Reads: 1511 / 1150 [76%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Swimming with her git him in deep.

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Otzchiim@aol.com, mf, cons, first

Beach Debauch

Cory Walton thought at first that when her family talked about renting property at the beach and vacationing there that it was an unbelievably good idea. If they flew from Cincinnati to the east coast it would be the third time in her young life that she had flown, and the furthest. A train trip would maybe not be as much fun, but she had never taken a train for more than an hour. And at the worst, driving to the seashore would be overnight.

She liked the idea of having a chance to flirt with some boys whom she had never met and would probably never see again. She would not want to do anything more with them, or at least not much, since she had never ever done much with her boyfriend, Terry Frazier, after dating him for about a year. Not that she wasn't tempted...

It did turn out too good to believe. Her parents had said "beach" not "seashore." The beach was Hartley Beach, not at the Atlantic Ocean but on Lake erie, only about an hour's drive away. The property was not some ramshackle beach-house, which might be kind of romantic, but a normal house two blocks from the lake on normal paved streets.

Her mother tries to convince her that this was better - no salt water in ...

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