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The Power of Competitionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6150 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Regalia
Added: Apr 09 2005Views / Reads: 10113 / 9327 [92%]Part vote: 9.17 (18 votes)
Becca never thought she would ever be unfaithful to Chris until she met his arch competitor

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My name is Becca and my husband's name is Chris. I am one of the lucky people in that I am naturally fit and considered to be attractive. Even though I come from the lucky gene pool, I have always taken good care of myself by working out and watching what I eat.

I am proud to say my husband's friends have always told him they were envious of him to have married me. My guess is that most men find my face attractive, but my average breasts (34B), flat stomach, and especially my firm bottom and muscular thighs get the most attention and second looks. Deep down inside I like those looks although I have to admit I have never really dressed to show off or get those looks. I am not old fashioned, nor am I a prude, but I guess I have always dressed conservatively and my sexual thoughts have always been conservative.

Chris and I dated throughout the last year of our college life and we got married in June, just six days after graduation. Rare as it is, I remained a virgin until our wedding night, which was something I decided to do in high school. Given that my husband had a conservative up-bringing he understood my stance on premarital sex and he was more than willing to go along with this position.

After our marriage, life fell quickly into place for us and we just always seemed to be at the right place at the right time for Chris to move rapidly along in his carrier. Chris rocketed to the top and ...

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