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Tatiana and Danielle- Sleep Overthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2043 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Salisha
Added: Apr 15 2005Views / Reads: 3434 / 2964 [86%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Tatiana has a crush on her friend Danielle. But Danielle constantly reminds Tatiana that they are only friends. Tatiana wishes for something more and like a dream come true their dance school has a sleep over where Tatiana and Danielle do everything, but

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Part 1: Conversation before Dance Class

Tatiana looked longingly at her friend Danielle. For some time now Tatiana's feelings for Danielle had taken a drastic u-turn from friendship to relationship. She wished she could tell Danielle how she felt and wished Danielle would feel the same way back.

But Tatiana knew better. Though Danielle was a bisexual, she had already told Tatiana in the past that Tatiana was just her friend and nothing more. Of course that didn't stop Tatiana from wanting her and thinking about her from time to time.

Danielle walked over to Tatiana and greeted her unaware of the inner turmoil going on inside Tatiana's mind. "Hi." she said.

"Hello." Tatiana replied back though still deep in her thoughts.

Danielle immediately told Tatiana of her day as usual. It was a normal routine, they would greet each other and the one of the two would talk about current events that had occurred in their day. Most of the time it was Danielle who had much to talk about, while Tatiana more or so kept to her self.

"James and I are on a break right now. For now, I guess I'll be playing the field solo." Danielle said sadly. ...

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