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Anna Left Alonethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2602 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Devon Hunt
Added: Apr 15 2005Views / Reads: 4214 / 3646 [87%]Part vote: 8.88 (8 votes)
Duty called and I had to leave my new wife alone for a while. Over time and through her actions I saw some changes. Eventually, in her own words, she unwittingly shared her experiences with me.

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"The Initial Encounter"

I was 31 and Anna was 24 when we got married. I had waited some time for the right person and I had found her. Anna was a really typical small town Oklahoma girl. She had gone into an ill- advised marriage with her high school boyfriend about two years out of school. As her mother and friends predicted, she found him to be an inconsiderate momma's boy that, among other things, provided her with no sexual satisfaction at all.

It all ended in a divorce and I met her within weeks of her coming out of marriage. Even though I had been with dozens of women, I was only her second man. She was, by all standards, extremely naïve, inexperienced, and unfulfilled. It would be a couple of years before I came to know how unfulfilled she was.

Anna was of medium build, but had really nice breasts and very shapely legs. However, the most significant feature about her was undetectable to everybody; that was, she had an insatiable sexual appetite that was just abound with massive, multiple orgasms when we were having sex.

The first date we ever had found us on the floor with my head between her legs. Within minutes, she was wailing loudly as the first of seven ...

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