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Mrs. Hornythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2398 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 16 2005Views / Reads: 4166 / 3450 [83%]Story vote: 8.50 (6 votes)
Mrs. Horny teaches her young pupil a thing or two.

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"Heaton? Paul Heaton?" My assistant addressed the class of sixth-form boys.

"Here, Miss." The teenage boy nonchalantly raised his arm.

"When this class is finished Mrs. Horner wants to see you in her office. I've already informed Mr. Rotheray that you'll miss his lesson." She handed him a slip of paper and left the classroom.

I'm the Head of Sixth Form at a Private School in the North of England. I've been married to Jim, a policeman, for 22 years. We've never had children of our own. Perhaps our jobs have put us off!

My nickname among the pupils is Mrs. Horny! Obviously a play on my surname, but I also because I like to dress 'nice'. I usually wear stockings under my skirts, (hopefully not too obvious) and I like to show a little bit of cleavage too. I've taught at this school for 7 years.

Paul Heaton is the 18 year old Captain of both the rugby and cricket teams. He was very bright but had recently lost interest in his work and was becoming a bit of a troublemaker.

Dave Hemmingway, the Gym teacher had once, crudely, told me that all Paul needed was a 'young tart' to empty his balls into and he would be ...

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