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ANNA LEFT ALONE Chapter Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1987 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Devon Hunt
Added: Apr 19 2005Views / Reads: 2137 / 1763 [82%]Part vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
After months of separation she surrenders to her weakness.

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This is the second of her "Unsent Letters"


Hi. It's me again, whoever me is now. I never dreamed I would be at this again, with the other letter simply an apology for a single, isolated lapse. But, here I am, lying in our bed at three in the morning, unable to sleep, going over in my mind what happened a short time ago.

That same deep shame that I felt last week is there again. But it doesn't stop me from lying here, fingers tracing over my body, reliving the events of the past few hours. I think my body has deserted me in its need for release to the point that I have no morals, no self-control, and no shame.

After what happened in the car the other night, I did my best to stay clear of any personal contact with Duane, but it's hard when you work some of the same shifts. I was embarrassed and didn't know how to handle it. I couldn't just blatantly blame it on him, but then I couldn't act like he was not part of the problem.

I decided that we were two responsible adults that could manage the situation and I vowed to make sure it was over. I really wanted to just forget about it and let it fade away with no big confrontation. I was relieved when he made no effort to push it, treating me with the ...

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