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ANNA LEFT ALONE Chapter Fourthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2021 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: Devon Hunt
Added: Apr 20 2005Views / Reads: 1597 / 1336 [84%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Christmas is difficult when you are alone. When Santa arrived she was unable to refuse his gift.

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" The Christmas Gift"

Here I am again. Christmas has come and gone. I was happy to hear your voice Christmas Eve, but now it seems like so long ago. I probably did the right thing working the twenty-four hour shift Christmas Eve night through Christmas day as it helped the day go faster. It still didn't stop me from knowing it was Christmas and we were apart. Thankfully,I was surrounded by other people who were doing the same thing. Almost all the staff was working extended shifts, trying to cover for those with children.

By the end of the day, we were a tired group, ready to go home to whatever circumstances awaited. Some were on their way to late family gatherings but I didn't want any part of that and our family activities had been over for hours, thank goodness.

All I wanted was a shower, food, and to sit in front of the fireplace. It is cold outside this Christmas, and I just needed to get over the blahs caused by you not being here. I did just that, and found myself sitting in front of the fireplace in wet hair wearing a long flannel gown.

I guess it was a mistake to slow down because I had time to start ...

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