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I Needed That ch1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3490 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: TabooTeller
Added: Apr 23 2005Views / Reads: 2577 / 2201 [85%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Wife sees hubby cheating, gets angry but as she listens she understands why. This story has voyeurism, breast fucking, and regular sex.

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I Needed That by Tabooteller Writer's Note: Hopefully this story is in better shape than some of my others. This is similar to Temptation but with one major difference. Some who like Temptation may not like that difference but it's still good. :) So ENJOY

Susan stomped through the house. She wondered where her husband had gotten off to, then she remembered that he had called out saying that he was going next door to help Becky. She had gotten divorced four months ago, and every now and then asked both for help. Susan had gone over a couple of times to help as had Kyle. They had known Becky for three years total; just before her marriage to Dan, who she had just divorced. He had been one of those who had acted one way while courting her, but another way once they had married. It turned out that he was a lazy jerk. She ended up divorcing him. They helped her every so often out of friendship. Not that she needed a lot of help; now and again, she needed something. Her husband had been getting a bit lazy lately also, and Susan wondered if Dan's laziness had been catching. Kyle had said he would get something for her that was in the back yard, but he hadn't. Come to think of it, he seemed to be doing less for her; she would have to talk to him about that.

Susan changed her course, now aiming for the sliding class door leading to the back yard. She slid it open, walked through, and closed it making sure it didn't lock. She headed toward the tool shed they kept some house stuff in and as she neared it, she heard some noises. It ...

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