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I don't want to be a teacher's pet series: Ashleythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2975 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Salisha
Added: Apr 24 2005Views / Reads: 2099 / 1794 [85%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Ashley is failing her writing class, but after she stays over the teacher's house for a club meeting she finds herself in his bed and realizing that she is not really into girls, she's into him!

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I don't want to be a teacher's pet series: Ashley

Band Practice with the "Primas"- 5:00 PM

Ashley was five six with blond hair and gray blue eyes. She was your average nineteen year old: she loved hanging out with her friends, shopping, talking on the phone and even being with her band "Primas."

Ashley was majoring in journalism to be a journalist, but the usual smart teen couldn't seem to past her writing classes. That day she complained to her friends at band practice that her teacher was failing her, because he didn't like her.

"I got another ‘F' on his writing assignment."

"Did you rush through it?" Eighteen year old, Ally asked Ashley. "Of course not, I took two hours to write and revise it." "Maybe you didn't follow directions."

"I followed everything he said. I even took notes."

"Maybe it wasn't what he wanted."

"Nothing is ever the way he wants. Everything is always a failing grade! I use to be the best, Ally." ...

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