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Moonlight Desirethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5268 words)

Author: Sweet Sounds
Added: Aug 20 2000Views / Reads: 2193 / 1815 [83%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Frank, using the aid of a friend, generates a very moist evening for his wife, in ways both edible and pleasurable! An evening she will remember for a lifetime.

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Amy returned home after a long and busy day. The house was unusually quiet. She wondered where her husband and the children were. Even the dog "Sparky" was not home. This was highly unusual for the middle of the week. Just as she was about to go and search for house to see if there was a note from them, the doorbell rang. Amy answered the door. She was greeted by a delivery person from the local flower shop. He had a large box for her. She thanked the delivery person, gave him a tip and closed the door. The box contained a dozen long stemmed roses and a simple card that read "This is only the beginning."

Amy walked to the kitchen in search of a vase to set her roses in. She carefully removed each rose from the box, inhaling the sweet aroma. Frank knew that roses were here absolute favourite. She was just about through setting up her bouquet when the doorbell rang again. When she answered the door she was surprised to see a courier at the door. He handed her a registered letter and said "Sign here ma'am". She signed her name and thanked him for the letter. This was becoming more and more like a puzzle.

Amy walked into the living room and removed her high heels and sat down on the chair to open the envelope that was addressed to her. The letter read: "My dearest Amy...I wanted to take this opportunity to express and demonstrate to you how true my love is for you. I want ...

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